
Black Nazi's Rise of the 4th. Reich

Black Nazi\'s Rise of the 4th. Reich
Traitors are a fact of war. Some are persuaded some are coerced. Some have such self hatred that they wish to be punished. Some people do it for money. No matter the reason, among our people it seems to be an epidemic. Campaigns like syop snitchin were the hoods way of rebellion against what it sees as informants. The system began to implant blacks long ago to distrust and hate each other. We have come to beleive this propaganda to the point we cannot unify. As stated earlier the roots of this lie in the power structure of our black elite. They who do not tell. everyone talks of illuminati ghost speak, not many mention Boule', JDL, Mossad,NSA or many others participating in the concurrent MKPATRIOT programs. Black Nazi's is an expose' into the connections of the so called Talented Tenth and their Caucasian Masters. Race and Money fuel this relationship on the surface, but White Freemasonic Satanic obligation is the tie that binds.

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